Volunteerism is a part of our company's culture and represents a lasting commitment to improve the communities we serve. What began as a conversation among a few employees seeking an opportunity to give back to the community has evolved into a firm-wide program assisting a variety of not-for-profit organizations. Service projects provide our employees with opportunities for leadership development, team building, and community awareness.

Traditionally during the holidays, we engage in a friendly competition among our team members at First Tryon to see who can donate the most canned goods to Second Harvest Food Bank. During the pandemic when the need in our community was greater than ever, First Tryon’s CEO, Keith Brunnemer, lead our response to the increased need and offered to match any donations made by the firm’s employees during the month of December. Together, we were able to donate $46,000 to the Second Harvest Food Bank which provided approximately 322,000 pounds of food for those in our community facing food insecurity. This made a huge impact in the lives of many and we felt fortunate to be in the position to offer help. The First Tryon team also embraces the holiday spirit by sponsoring an Angel Tree. Our employees enjoy making the holidays for these children in need much brighter by fulfilling their wish lists.

In addition to these service projects, First Tryon employees have helped organize food supplies in the Loaves & Fishes warehouse which provides a week’s worth of nutritionally balanced groceries to individuals and families experiencing a short-term crisis through a network of 35 emergency food pantries. We look forward to continuing our commitment to the community through our involvement with various not-for-profit organizations.